Social Ministries

Gift Shop
The parish Gift Shop is run by Our Lady of the Desert Guild.
The Gift Shop is only open on the weekends after Mass. Times vary according to the Mass Schedule. Check the bulletin for current hours of operation. Many items are available such as religious books, cards rosaries, statues and other beautiful religious articles.
The last weekend to shop is May 11/12. The Gift Shop will be closed for the summer and re-open in September.
Hours: Saturday 12:00am–2:30pm and Sunday 7:30am-11:15am
Contact: Our Lady of the Desert Guild

Our Lady of the Desert Guild
Our Lady of the Desert Guild is formed to foster the spirit of Marian Spirituality by the Blessed Mother at St. George Roman Catholic Parish and the surrounding community.
All ladies of the parish are welcomed to join. In lieu of dues each active member shall say one decade of the Rosary for the sick and suffering of the parish each day. The Guild's primary income comes from the operation of the Parish Gift Shop and the Annual Tea, held in February.
The Guild makes a monthly donation to the Help for the Needy Ministry, funds the cleaning of Altar linens and sponsors a Seminarian each year. At the request of the family of a deceased member of the parish, these women will say a Rosary and assist in coordinating and serving a meal following a funeral service.
The Guild also assists and coordinates many social events such as Our Lady of Guadalupe Potluck, Soup & Bread during Lent, RCIA reception after Easter Vigil, First Communion Receptions, Life Teen Spaghetti Dinner, and the Baccalaureate Brunch. They also prepare and serve snacks during Vacation Bible School.
The Guild meets on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 9:30am (The Guild does not meet during the summer.).

Prayer Shawl Makers
This group knits and crochets prayer shawls for the parish, nursing homes and also for individuals to take to a loved one.

Rosary Makers
The rosary makers make rosaries for St. George and also to be handed out as needed to individuals & charities.
They meet on Wednesdays at 9:00am in the Social Hall.