Online Bulletin

Gospel Meditation

Only say the word and I shall be healed.

02-04-2024  |  © LPi Fr. John Muir

Maybe I’m weird, but I like spending time in doctor’s offices, confession lines in churches, auto repair shops, prison cells, and support groups of various kinds. It’s refreshing to be with people who humbly admit something is wrong and forthrightly set out on a path toward a solution. When we ignore what is off kilter, we become alone and fragile. In places where people are honest and hopeful about brokenness, sturdy if subtle fellowship usually ensues.


Events & Announcements

Religious Education OPEN Registration

Registration forms are available online and in the parish office. For more information, please call the parish office at 480-982-2929.


Prayer Shawl Makers Meeting

Mondays, 9:00am in classroom 6

We are a small group and would love to welcome you into our group. Also, looking for donations of yarn. Thank you and hope to see you there.

Knights of Columbus Monthly Breakfast

Please come and support your local Knights of Columbus charity fundraising efforts by enjoying a wonderful breakfast after the 6:30am, 8:15am or 10:00am Sunday Masses.


Ladies Guild Summer Event: Bunco

Ladies Guild Summer Event: Card Bingo