Feeling Blessed

02-13-2022Weekly Reflection© J. S. Paluch Company

Congratulations! Welcome to the Kingdom!Rejoice and leap for joy! Sounds a little like Easter,doesn’t it? Well, in a very real way, it is. ThisSunday, the scriptures remind us that we areblessed and beloved, especially when we have difficultiesand don’t feel especially blessed. Jesusreminds us that God blesses us in our trials, so weshould trust in the saving power of God. We are“raised from the dead,” as it were, each time wearise from our hardships.

The ultimate proof of allof this is our new life in Christ, who died so thatwe could be free of sin, and was raised from thedead so that we might all have new life. Wouldn’tthat be something? A new life, in which poverty isriches and sadness is transformed into lightness ofspirit? It’s a topsy-turvy world, isn’t it? Do you feel blessed today?