God's Reign

11-14-2021Weekly Reflection© J. S. Paluch Company

By pointing to the end times, today’s readings speak to the coming reign of God, when God will make all things new. In Christ, this time has already begun. We, by our energized watchfulness, can further God’s reign. We can heal broken hearts, free captives, spread the Good News. Even so, the reign of God will not be complete without the second coming of Christ.

Our weekly eucharistic gathering is a sign of the fullness of the end times. At Mass we join as an assembly to recall and to claim the story of Jesus as our own. Together we give thanks to God for the many gifts bestowed upon us. We receive nourishment in the simple but profound meal. And our weak and weary selves are invigorated and transformed by the power of Christ, so that we ourselves might become effective signs of God’s reign present and to come.