Doers of the Word

08-29-2021Weekly Reflection© J. S. Paluch Company

The second reading for today begins a five week series of selections from James, a letter that is classified among the so-called “catholic” (or universal) epistles because they are addressed to a general audience rather than to one particular community. Today’s text offers important advice for Christians of every generation. God is first cited as the author of all gifts, and in particular, reference is made to the gift of baptism by which we have been made the “first fruits” of the new creation.



08-22-2021Weekly Reflection© J. S. Paluch Company

There is an axiom that states, “Not to decide is to decide.” This saying was popular in the turbulent times of the Vietnam War. It urged us not to allow others to answer the moral questions raised by our nation’s involvement in that terrible conflict, but to decide for ourselves.


The Destiny of All Mortal Flesh

08-15-2021Weekly Reflection© J. S. Paluch Company

The celebration of today’s feast on a Sunday is unusual on our Roman Catholic calendar. Our observance of the Lord’s Day is held in such high esteem that few other feasts replace it. Occasionally there is a feast—usually of one of the saints—in which the saving power of God in Christ is so uniquely focused that the Roman rite deems it worthy of celebration on the Lord’s Day.


Civil Discourse

08-08-2021Weekly Reflection© J. S. Paluch Company

“Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God.” These words bring us up short! What could we be doing to grieve the Holy Spirit? Alas, the same things that the Ephesians were doing in the time of Paul, that is, fighting, shouting, reviling each other with fury, anger, and malice.


The Bread of Life

08-01-2021Weekly Reflection© J. S. Paluch Company

Today’s Gospel has the crowd asking Jesus three questions. First, “When did you get here,” to which Jesus responds by rebuking them for their failure to grasp his miracle as a “sign,” an occasion to put faith in him. Their second question about accomplishing the “works of God” has Jesus respond that faith is the “work” that God wishes.