Nothing to Fear

08-13-2017Weekly Reflection

A rabbi was asked why God sends trials and troubles into human lives. “Because God gets lonely for his people” was the reply. There is some resonance with this wisdom in today’s Gospel, as Jesus makes his disciples get into a boat without him and goes off alone while they venture into stormy waters. Of course, neither Jews nor Christians believe that the Almighty plays this sort of whimsical game with them, but there is some truth in the statement that we don’t turn to God for saving help until we’re in a bind.

Peter’s role today, as it is throughout the New Testament, is to be a sign or to represent each member of the church and the whole church. Our story is the tale told about Peter’s faith today. What can bolster our faith is that even when Christ calls us to face bravely the tempests of life, if we are walking through them with our eyes fixed on him in faith, we have nothing to fear. Even when we falter or sink, simply crying “Lord, save me!” is enough to help us know the steady grasp of God’s hand. Then, sheltered inside the walls of faith, the storms we endure lose their power over us.