
12-19-2021Weekly Reflection© J. S. Paluch Company

There is a spirit of audacity in our readings today. During a time of injustice and threat of invasion, the prophet Micah boldly announces that the God of insignificant Israel will raise up a leader from backwater Bethlehem, and this leader will bring justice and peace to the whole world.

In the Gospel, Elizabeth and Mary, marginalized women, brazenly celebrate that their sons will be worldchanging instruments of God. We further learn that this audacity is rooted in trust in God. The author of Hebrews describes the faithful obedience of Jesus. Mary is shown as the exemplar of faithful trust in God. This is the way God often seems to work, in the ordinary and marginalized in our world. Those who seem weak have learned to trust in God’s strength. These have the audacity to become instruments of God’s peace and justice.