
08-22-2021Weekly Reflection© J. S. Paluch Company

There is an axiom that states, “Not to decide is to decide.” This saying was popular in the turbulent times of the Vietnam War. It urged us not to allow others to answer the moral questions raised by our nation’s involvement in that terrible conflict, but to decide for ourselves.

Making such choices is never easy. Avoiding them is common. Jesus, for his part, was not only a gallant risktaker, but a clear decision-maker. As he pursued the mission to which the Father called him, he continually decided for us and for the Father. He worked hard to lay out a scenario that would enable others to make similar choices. Never did he make decisions for others or force others into decisions, even decisions that had eternal ramifications. Jesus is inviting us to make such decisions today. We won’t be absolutely sure. What is sure, however, is the command that issues from God’s word: Take the risk. Decide!