Jesus' Way

02-14-2021Weekly Reflection© J. S. Paluch Company

Today’s readings present a contrast between “Jesus’ way” and the “old way.” An example of the old way is the law given to Moses and Aaron about leprosy: the leper was unclean and cast out of the community. Jesus’ way is the opposite: the leper is reached out to, touched, and finally cured.

Nor ought we think of the “old way” as re- stricted to the days of Moses and Aaron, or even to the “old” testament. The difference between the old way and Jesus’ way arises in own lives. We still choose, every day, to live in our old way or in Jesus’ way. Jesus dared to touch a leper, disregarding the old way. The leper then was changed forever. He felt a calling. He couldn’t keep himself from pro- claiming that he had been touched by Jesus (even though Jesus told him not to!). Once Jesus touches us, we are called to proclaim his way.